A year after COVID-19 was declared a pandemic much of the Africa continent started experiencing spikes in the number of COVID-19 cases and related deaths in what was referred to as the third wave of the pandemic. These spikes came right behind the heels of a second wave of the pandemic that barely went unnoticed in Africa.
The Department of Epidemiology aims to publish original research, review articles and meta-analyses, novel hypotheses, descriptions and applications of new methods from all fields of epidemiology. The articles related to discussions of research theory or public health policy are also welcome. Also covered are new methods, epidemiological and statistical, for the analysis of data used by those who practise social and preventive medicine.
The Department of Epidemiology promotes communication among those engaged in research, teaching and application of epidemiology, including those who practice clinical or community medicine. We encourage contributions from a wide variety of fields, including public health, preventive medicine, clinical medicine, health economics, and computational biology and data science applied to health and disease.
Please direct any enquiries or submit papers to: info@thegms.co