Authors are suggested to see the ‘Article Preparation Guidelines‘ in ‘Author-Center’ menu to follow a specific design for manuscript development.The Gazette of Medical Sciences strongly encourages authors adhere to the following reporting guidelines relevant to their specific research design.
Original research
These are detailed studies reporting original research and are classified as primary literature. They include hypothesis, background study, methods, results, interpretation of findings, and a discussion of possible implications. Original research articles are long, with the word limit ranging from 3000 to 6000.
Structured abstract max 250 words; Main body of text (excluding abstract, references, figures/tables) not to exceed 3,000 words; Max 6 tables or figures; Max 50 references.
Case Report
These fall short of the criteria for full Articles (e.g. preliminary experiments limited by sample size or duration, or novel hypotheses). Apart from including an abstract, there is no strict obligation to divide the text into sections but structuring according to case history, major findings, discussion and conclusions (i.e. what can we learn from this case?) is recommended.
Unstructured abstract max 150 words; Main body of text (excluding abstract, references, figures/tables) not to exceed 1,000 words; Max 2 tables or figures; Max 10 references.
Brief Communication
These are studies that fall short of the criteria for full Articles (e.g. preliminary experiments limited by sample size or duration, or novel hypotheses). Apart from including an abstract, there is no obligation to divide the text into sections.
Unstructured abstract max 150 words; Main body of text (excluding abstract, references, figures/tables) not to exceed 1,000 words; Max 2 tables or figures; Max 10 references.
Review Article (including Statistical Reviews & Meta-Analyses)
Review Articles are comprehensive analyses of specific topics. Proposals for reviews may be submitted by sending a covering letter and abstract to the Editor for consideration.
PLEASE NOTE: All reviews should include search criteria and selection criteria in a Methods Section, along with the total number of articles identified and the total number selected for inclusion in the review. All invited reviews will undergo peer review prior to acceptance. When submitting a Meta-Analyses paper please select the article type ‘Review Article’
Unstructured abstract max 250 words; Main body of text (excluding abstract, references, figures/tables) not to exceed 5,000 words; Max 8 tables or figures; Max 100 references.
Mini-Reviews should focus on a clearly defined topic of current interest, and describe recent developments in the field.
Unstructured abstract max 200 words; Main body of text (excluding abstract, references, figures/tables) not to exceed 3,000 words; Max 6 tables or figures; Max 50 references.
Perspectives are a hybrid between a commentary and a review, providing an opinion-driven perspective on a particular research topic or field of interest. Authors should present a (provocative) view that can be supported by data and literature with the goal of sparking debate and stimulating future research avenues.
No abstract required; Main body of text (excluding abstract, references, figures/tables) not to exceed 2,000 words; Max 4 tables or figures; Max 25 references.
Correspondences will be considered for publication, subject to editing. Correspondences must contain information critical to a certain area or must be referencing data recently published. A correspondence must reference the original source but can use an arbitrary title.
No abstract required Main body of text (excluding abstract, references, figures/tables) not to exceed 1,000 words; Max 2 tables or figures; Max 10 references.
Editorial (by Editor invitation only)
Proposals for Editorials may be submitted; however, authors should only send an outline of the proposed paper for initial consideration.
No abstract required; Main body of text (excluding abstract, references, figures/tables) not to exceed 1,000 words; Max 2 tables or figures; Max 5 references.