In this article we describe the dynamic aspects of MetS and show the systemic nexus of derangements that occur in conjunction with insulin resistance (IR). But IR is not the primary problem and insulin, alas, is but an innocent bystander. In previous works we document the presence of an organized energy field taking origin in the blood through the contraction and dilation cycles of the heart.
The Department of Endocrinology publishes original research articles, reviews and science guidelines. Its focus is on the fundamental mechanisms underpinning endocrine physiology and metabolism, including hormone secretion, hormone action and biological effects. The journal publishes basic and translational studies at the cellular, tissue and whole organism level.
The Editors actively encourages Clinical aspects of basic research and trials that will have an impact on the understanding of health and disease. Case reports, focused research on a broad range of disciplines as well as experimental papers may be submitted. Besides, authors may contribute short reviews (by invitation from the Editor) and letters to the editor. This journal adheres to the policies recommended by The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The papers are invited on various areas of interest including but not limited to following:
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